Monday, April 28, 2008

The Vote On McCowan's Redevelopment is Tomorrow!!!!!

Attention, and this is extremely important!


This Email body comes from Barbara Dragich, the leader of Vista del Oro Neighbors Against Condos (VDONAC):

I was just notified by Councilwoman Janice Hahn's office that the McCowan's Condo issue is on the calender for tomorrow's meeting. This will be Rosenthal's last chance to rebut placing the "Q Condition" on the 3 lots he where he wants to build 18 condo's. The meeting is at the downtown Los Angeles City Council, at 10:00 am. It is #35 on the agenda. Gordon Teuber can take 3 people, and he can get us free parking passes by calling (213) 473-7015. Please let your neighbors know about this meeting. Anyone that can come, should come. We need to car pool - I can take 4 people in my car. I know this is a last minute notice, but we don't want to postpone this now. I will have more information later today. Please get the word out ASAP. Thanks so much.

Barbara Dragich

This is THE MEETING all of us MUST attend!

We know this is last minute. We certainly understand if you need to "catch a 24 hour bug" and can't go to work tomorrow.

But we need you there!

San Pedrans are at their best when something comes up in OUR community and we need to band together quickly and deal with whatever we need to deal with.

Whether it is fighting the weapon of mass development known as Ponte Vista, having to deal with a greedy developer who wants profit over community at 20Th and Walker, working against placing a school that is too large directly next to a redevelopment of a marvelous and truly great Outdoor Education Center, or trying to deal with a giant shaft that will shaft so many neighbors, courtesy of the L.A. County Sanitation District, we can do anything we set ourselves up to do.

Please consider taking the time to come to the L.A. City Council meeting. I'll work to make as many new buttons as I can and have them there tomorrow.

This is a battle we can win and a fight we must win. It is for all of our neighborhoods, working together to create the best that OUR community can offer.

Thank you!

New information as of 11:54

Gordon Teuber advised me to call Josie at 1-213-473-7015 about parking passes.

When you call Josie, be prepared to give her the make and model of your vehicle AND your license plate information.

Josie will provide you with directions on where to park.

ALSO, according to Mr. Teuber, item #35 may just be part of a consent or it may come up "between 10:00 and 1:00" but we should not consider that it actually might come up in the first three hours.

Unfortunately the Dodgers will be out of town. But you might want to take in some of the great sites and different foods that can be found in that area of downtown.

City Hall is close to Olvera Street, the Chinatown area, and Little Tokyo.

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