Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some Particulars Concerning Several Individuals Regarding a Project Other Than Ponte Vista.

Chase Knolls is an Apartment Complex that was approved to have major renovations done along with additional buildings constructed.

The complex, located in Sherman Oaks is registered with the City of Los Angeles as an historical site.

Below is documentation from the Los Angeles City Council dealing with the approval of the renovation and building plans.

I will place in bold some names you may be familar with and the documents supports the finding that one particular Council Member supported a very different project led by one particular developer.

It appears that one particular Council Member seems to have little problem allowing a development project to be renovated and even enlarged.
Friday, February 3, 2006

John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall - 10:15 am




- Members present : Greuel, Hahn, LaBonge, Padilla , Reyes , Rosendahl, Smith,
Weis s, Wesso n a nd Zine(1 0);
Absent : Cardenas, Huizar, Parks , Perry and President Garcetti (5).



Roll Call #1 - Motion (Greuel - Reyes) to Adopt as Amended , Ayes (10);
Absent : Cardenas, Huizar, Parks, Perry and President Garcetti (5)



relative to Parcel Map and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) appeals filed by Susan Jagiello
on behalf of the Chase Knolls Residents and Neighbors Association for property at 13401 West Riverside Drive.

Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Greuel - Weiss):

1. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Planning and Land Use Management Committee as the
Findings of the Council.

2. RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by Susan Jagiello on behalf of the Chase
Knolls Residents and Neighbors As soc iation, from the decision of the City Planning
Commission certifying the EIR (EN V 2003-1228- EIR) and THEREBY SET ASIDE the
certification of the EIR.

FRIDAY 02-03-06

3. RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by Susan Jagiello on behalf of the Chase
Knolls Residents and Neighbors Association, from the decision of the Deputy Advisory
Agency, thereby DISAPPROVING the Parcel Map (Case No. AA-2004-50 9-PMLA) to
permit a maximum two-parcel sub division for the construction of a 141 new apartment
unit development subject to conditions of approval, for property at 13401 West
Riverside Drive.

Applicant: Eric Hoffman, Bisno Development Co. LLC AA-2004-509-PMLA



Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Planning Department. Neither the City
Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis
of this report.

[On January 13, 2 006 , the City Council adopted Motion (Greuel -Weiss) asserting
jurisdiction over the December 15, 2005, action of the City Planning Commission,
pursuant to City Charter Section 245.]



Recommendations for Council action:

1. DENY THEAPPEAL filed by Susan Jagiello on behalf of the Chase Knolls Residents
and Neighbors Association from the decision of the City Planning Commission
certifying the EIR ( ENV 200 3-1228-E IR) and there by CERTIFY the Final EIR by
adopting the Deputy Advisory Agency's September 20, 2005 California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) findings and mitigation measures as the Council 's own CEQA
findings and mitigation measures , subject to the project changes set forth in
Paragraphs a and b.

2. DENY THE APPEAL filed by Susan Jagiello on behalf of the Chase Knolls Residents
and Neighbors Association, from the decision of the Deputy Advisory Agency, and
thereby APPROVE Vesting Parcel Map (Case No. AA-2004-509-PMLA) to permit a
maximum two-p arcel subdivision for the construction of an up to 141 new apartment
unit development subject to conditions of approval, for property at 13401 West
Riverside Drive, by adopting the Deputy Advisory Agency's September 20, 2005
fin dings and conditions of approval as the Council 's own findings and conditions
subject to the following conditions and modifications:

A. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall prepare and execute
a Covenant and Agreement in a manner satisfactory to the Planning Department,
binding the subdivider and all successors to the following:

FRIDAY 02-03-06 PAGE 3

1) The applicant shall submit a revised parcel map showing the revised building
footprints, and revised elevations. The revised parcel map and elevations
shall be reviewed by the Council Office prior to approval by the Deputy
Advisory Agency.

The parcel map shall reflect the following modifications to the project : Building 1 shall be
modified to eliminate the western projection of the building and to limit its western element to two-stories substantially as shown on Exhibit A here to; with the remainder of the building being three storie . Building 4 shall be modified to limit its western element to two-stories
substantially as shown on Exhibit A hereto; with the remainder of the building
being thre e stories.

Buildin g 6 shall be modified to limit its eastern element to two -stories substantially as shown on Exhibit A; with the remainder of the building being three stories. All other new apartment buildings shall be limited to thre e stories. The applicant shall adjust the footprint of buildings
No .4 and No.6 to accommodate new courtyard/patio areas or similar articulation as shown on Exhibit A; provided that it is acknowledged that factors may render such courtyard/patio areas infeasible as determined by the Deputy Advisory Agency.

2 ) Prior to issuance of building permits for the new apartments, the applicant
shall submit for approval by the Deputy Advisory Agency a comprehensive
landscaping and irrigation plan for the property prepared by a licensed
landscaped architect. The plan shall address the areas around the six new
apartments, as well as the rejuvenation, enhancement, and maintenance of
the existing mature trees and landscaped areas that will be retained as part
of the project. The plan shall be developed in consultation with the Council
Office, and shall be submitted to the Cultural Heritage Commission for its
review and recommendation prior to final approval by the Deputy Advisory

3) Prior to the clearance of any parcel map conditions, the applicant must show
proof that all fees have been paid to the Department of City Planning,
Expedited Processing Section.

4) Modify the Deputy Advisory Agency's letter of approval to include all of the
revised conditions of approval contained in the determination of the City
Planning Commission excluding the revisions to the heights of Building
Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6.

5) Condition No. 14e of the Deputy Advisory Agency's approval is revised in its
entirety to read as follows: "Specify the lot area for each parcel on the map."

6) The applicant shall withdraw the applications for Vesting Tentative Tract Map
No. 65363 and ENV-2006-465-EAF.

3. FIND that the project, as modified hereby, is CONSISTENT with the Secretary of
Interior's Standards for Historic Rehabilitation and CONSISTENT with the Historic
Property Contract pertaining to the Chase Knolls Apartments between the Council
and the property owner.

FRIDAY 02-03-06 PAGE 4

4. DIRECT the Department o f Cit y Planning to modify as necessary the findings of fact
for the Vesting Parce l Map approval (AA-2004-509-P MLA ), and any associated CEQA
findings relating to the certification of ENV-2003-1228-EIR).



Recomm endation for Council action:

REFLECT that the statement on Page 39 of the applicant’s Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) is not appropriately a part of the EIR analysis under California Environmental
Quality Act; has no legal significance; and that the discretion and jurisdiction of the
Cultural Heritage is governed by the City Codes.

Councilmember Reyes moved, seconded by Councilmember LaBonge , that th e Special
Council meeting adjourn.

Ayes, Greuel, Hahn, LaBonge, Padilla, Reyes, Rosendahl, Smith, Weiss, Wesson and
Zine (10);

Absent : Cardenas, Huizar, Parks, Perry and President Garcetti (5 ).

Whereupon the Special Council meeting did adjourn.

ATTEST: Frank T. Martinez, CITY CLERK
By Council Clerk
In this particular case, the members of the City Council went against the recommendations of the Planning and Land Use Committee.

Let's hope the City Council has learned some better lessons by now.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Go Away!

There is nothing new to report concerning activities by R Neighborhoods Are 1 and Ponte Vista at San Pedro.

When something new is announced, please be sure to come back to this blog or visit for more information.

That blog provides a great deal of information without necessarily dealing with activities by the largest group of members of OUR community who oppose over development in northwest San Pedro.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bob's Empire Continues to Shrink

January 13, 2009
Written by Frederick Ankenman

Santa Ana Land to Be Part of Mixed-Use Development
LPC Acquires 6 Acres from Bisno Development

Lincoln Property Co. purchased the six-acre parcel at the corner of North Main Street and East Memory Lane in Santa Ana, CA, from Bisno Development for an undisclosed amount.

The land will be a portion of City Place, a proposed 18-acre mixed-use project.

The project will have a total of 242 live-work town homes and 60,000 square feet of retail space. The buyer and the seller received in-house representation.

Please refer to CoStar COMPS #1619482 for additional information.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another Victory Against Over Development!

This is just in from the following blog:


Read the post from Joe B. and stay tuned throughout the day as he may have more updates.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Home Depot Pulls Out Of S-T!

Breaking News! We just spoke with a high ranking Home Depot official (at 10:45 pm) and he is confirming that HD is backing out of their proposed store in Sunland-Tujunga!

We are still shaking from the news, updates when we settle down and stop celebrating!Score a big victory for local control and our community!

Maybe it's just the current economic conditions.

But perhaps it is really community members who have gathered together against over development with the greater Los Angeles area to work towards getting some control over their own communities.

Whatever the reasons are, fighting over development in the greater L.A. area has now found another reason I contend that R Neighborhoods Are 1 was working at the very beginning of a real movement towards residents taking over their neighborhoods to fight against developers, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials who think they know better than we do what we will accept.

Fighting against over development goes from the north end of the San Fernando Valley to the port community. It can be found on the west side of Los Angeles and in places like Baldwin Park and Santa Ana.

Yes, I do believe we are now members of a real and growing movement that R Neighborhoods Are 1 was a fundamental group that helped to create the movement we are now watching unfold.

We must continue to work with other groups, doing whatever is necessary to continue to build the movement that is now found in so many places and dealing with so many over developments.

More hurdles will still come before us. The largest of these hurdles is right in our own front yard with Ponte Vista and the fact that it may be developed by a HUGE Real Estate Development company OR it may simply become ignored for an uncertain period of time.

R Neighborhoods Are 1 has been here since before the beginning of a movement that clearly is moving forward for the members of so many communities.

I feel we can count the group as being one of the forerunners and best equipped to handle the issues we are confronted with and we have been willing to provide leadership, guidance, and demonstrations to other groups who have as their goal, the control of over development.

The latest news from Mayor Sam is good news and should be considered one more step along the way.