Monday, April 28, 2008

The Agenda Item for the City Council

Here is more in agenda item #35 which will be taken up at the Tuesday meeting of the L.A. City Council.

10 votes are needed for passage, so we need to show our support for Ms. Janice Hahn and her motion, and demonstrate to the rest of the Council members how important this item is to all of us. You can left click over any part of the document to enlarge it.

Please do your very best and attend this very important meeting.

You would be allowed to use the excuse that you had your right hip replaced just this past April 3, but since you probably didn't and I know I did, my attending should be just like yours and be "no sweat".

We are almost at the end of the line to get only single-family houses built on the three lots. The other lots have single-story houses going up on them and we want to make sure there will only be a total of six-single-family, detached houses, one per lot, on the six lots Mike Rosenthal purchased not quite one year ago.

Thank you.

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