Thursday, April 17, 2008

Odds and Ends 9

Well, let's start off this Odds and Ends with yet another illustration of a ship.

O.K., it's not really just any old cruise ship. Here is The Genesis Project.

Still under construction, this ship would only be able to call on a new cruise terminal at Kaiser Point.

Remember the giant Queen Mary II that had to back up the main channel to get to the current cruise ship terminal. It is only about 15,000 tons is weight and corresponding length.

But Princess Cruises is building Genesis Project to be about double the size of the largest Princess Cruises ships that come to the Port of Los Angeles.

When completed, this ship will displace 220,000 tons and carry somewhere in the range of approximately 5,400 passengers.

And yes, there is going to be an approximately 3 acre park on the ship, that will mimic Central Park in New York.

The first place the new mega,mega ship will call port is in Florida. But it shouldn't take long for it or a sister ship to visit and cruise the Pacific, possibly out of a new cruise ship terminal, if it is built.

Nothing new to report on the Clearwater Program of the Los Angeles County Sanitation District.

Information about it can be found at:

For those of you who still don't know where the Sanitation District's property is at, as far as Eastview Park goes, here is a photo that might help you.

Eastview Park is the semi-green and brown patch of land between the shops along Western Avenue and The Gardens, just to the right of it.

Notice how close it is to the Ponte Vista site in the upper part of the photo?

No worries though, IF the Sanitation District uses the parkland it owns to drill the construction and maintenance shaft, they won't begin until at least 2012, when whatever may be built at Ponte Vista, might be built out. But then again, nothing is for sure.

On the Ponte Vista issue, I guess silence is golden. But for whom the silence is really golden will probably be determined when the Planning Department reveals, some day, what they feel Bob can build at the site.

It is now time for a refresher course in what you were told would be at South Region High School No. 15, (SRHS 15) and what will most likely truly be constructed, if it is constructed at all.

So far we "KNOW" that SRHS 15 would be an annex to S.P.H.S.
It would be built initially with 810-seats and then have 405-seats added in years to come.
There would be no competitive athletic teams on the new campus.
The Marine Sciences Magnet and possibly the Police Academy Magnet would be moved from the current S.P.H.S. location to the new campus.

But these "facts" were told to us by LAUSD representatives who probably hadn't talked to Ms. Linda Del Cueto, the local area Superintendent and the 'decider' in how the new campus would look like.

At what may have been Ms. Del Cueto's first Advisory Committee meeting on the SRHS 15 project, here are some of the things the 'decider' considers to be what SRHS 15 will become.

The school will be initially built with three academies and 1,215 seats.
It will be a completely independent school, separate from S.P.H.S. (Does this mean San Pedrans have to root for two different public regular high schools?)
It will NOT have any Magnet programs.
It will have competitive athletic teams, but not a football (American) team.
It will be for San Pedro residents, probably even those who use a relative's address in San Pedro.
Parents get to decide which school to send their kid(s) too, according to Ms. Del Cueto, at this time.

So I thought I would include an illustration that nobody else has. It shows the three small learning communities that will compose the classroom settings at SRHS 15 IF it gets built and IF it gets built on the Upper Reservation of Fort MacArthur.

But wait just a cotton-pickin minute! What about the Point Fermin Outdoor Education Center that is slated for completion of its redevelopment as early as Summer, 2009?

Isn't that new Center going to have trouble fitting next to a large high school?

In the photo below, I have placed both the proposed SRHS 15 and the Point Fermin Outdoor Education as they might have looked. But as you can see, both facilities can't fit on the available land.

The Outdoor Education Center that may host up to 280 students and faculty members each week, including overnight stays, may be completed before issues are decided by the Board of Education as far as SRHS 15 goes.

Oops! Those LAUSD folks, trying to fit a rectangular peg in a much smaller square hole.

The members of Neighborhoods Involved and Organized to Support Education (NOISE) want you to know they support the Point Fermin Outdoor Education Center that will be able to supply great educational experiences to upwards of 13,000 students per year, in varying ways.

NOISE believes if a new high school campus is necessary, then there are alternatives LAUSD can look at to find a much better place to build SRHS 15 than on the Upper Reservation of Fort MacArthur, where is just doesn't fit and can't be safely accessed.

Let's let the Outdoor Education Center become the jewel in the crown of LAUSD and Ms. Del Cueto. It will offer so much more, to so many more students.

If I have missed updating anything, then I probably don't think much is going on with that issue and I may need reminding.

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