Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Great Victory is Announced!

Good afternoon--

Please find below this message and attached to this e-mail a press release with an update on the zoning designation of the site where McCowan's Market was located.

April 29, 2008 (213) 473-7015
(213) 500-9334 – mobile


LOS ANGELES, CA—The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously approved a request by Councilwoman Janice Hahn to preserve the single family neighborhood located near the former McCowan’s Market in San Pedro. McCowan’s Market was purchased recently by a developer. The developer closed down the long-time market and proposed building multiple units at the site, which is located in a single family neighborhood.

“McCowans Market was a piece of the community fabric of San Pedro and it’s a shame that it is gone,” said Councilwoman Hahn. “I agree with local residents that condos or apartments just does not fit with the character of the community.”

To address the concerns of the neighbors, Councilwoman Hahn called for the preservation of the neighborhood, asking the City of Los Angeles’ Planning Department to implement a “Q” Condition on the property. The condition would keep the owner from building anything except single family homes on each of the parcel where the market and its parking lot once stood. The Planning Department supported the “Q” Condition and on March 18 more than 200 people testified at the Harbor Area Planning Commission (HAPC) to support the recommendation. The HAPC voted 4-0 in favor. Today, the City Council approved the recommendation.

“I received more than 175 letters and 100 phone calls and e-mails supporting the “Q” condition,” said Councilwoman Hahn. “I did not receive one constituent request for greater density in this neighborhood. "

Everyone connected with Vista del Oro Neighbors Against Condos (VDONAC) thanks Councilwoman Hahn and her marvelous staff, especially Mr. Gordon Teuber and all the wonderful aides in Ms. Hahn's San Pedro office.

The vote, which was 12-0, with three Councilpersons absent, also means that there will be no second vote on the ordinance passed today. All that is needed is Mayor Villaraigosa's signature.

I want to personally thank Ms. Barbara Dragich, for her leadership in all the battles that were successfully fought and won by VDONAC and all the neighbors in Vista del Oro.

We all should thank Ms. Michele Burk, for all she has done as facilitator for VDONAC and all her great abilities at organization and administration.

A special thanks goes out to the steering committee of VDONAC who worked so very hard.

Precedence may have been set today as this may be the first vote by the City Council to adopt the "Q" Qualification Condition on a property in Los Angeles. According to Ms. Hahn, this was her first experience in watching this particular addition to a zoning code become law.

It's time to light the coals or hit the igniters on all the Bar-B-Ques on 20Th and Walker, because one heck of a feast can not happen.

Congratulations to all the fantastic residents in Vista del Oro, you have worked so very hard and I feel nothing but great pride in wishing you the best of times, you all deserve it.

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