Friday, April 11, 2008

Odds and Ends 8

Boy, isn't a total hip replacement fun?

During my incarceration at Torrance Memorial, the Exterior Obstetrics Department hosted a family of ducks.

Mom duck had 11 chicks in tow as dad hung around the fountain by the parking structure. Mom duck led her brood right into the lobby of the Medical Center while I was rolling by in my wheelchair. a couple of humans suggested that Mom duck not take her kids to the Interior Obstetrics Department, and escorted the furry, fluffy, funny family back towards the "nest" at the Exterior Obstetrics Department.

By the end of the week, animal control took the family to a more duck-friendly area, reported to be on Skypark somewhere.

Ponte Vista. Thankfully nothing of any real note passed by as I was attempting to eat the driest chicken ever created in the known universe, via the kitchen of Torrance Memorial.

The service, people, and environment of the Center is really top form, I just wish the food had tasted.

A few more San Pedrans are perking up their ears and eyes concerning the proposed third tunnel for treated water from the plant near the Harbor Freeway, out into the Pacific.

I'm still keeping this issue slightly behind the proposal to build a cruise ship terminal in the outer harbor, but both will show their teeth in the future.

It's looking like Bar-B-Que weather is fast approaching. The good folks at Vista del Oro Neighbors Against Condos may be right on time, by the time the full L.A. City Council votes to restrict the redevelopment of three lots, currently zoned C1-1XL, from having any other residential type dwellings built, other than single-family, detached houses, one per 5,000 square foot lot.

We can't tap the keg yet, but we're keeping it very, very cold!

Neighborhoods Organized and Involved to Support Education (NOISE) is going forward with attentive speed and a strong willingness by its members to oppose the construction of South Region High School No. 15 (SRHS 15) at Angel's Gate.

You too, can have a yard sign opposing the school. Just send and Email to and you will be informed how to get one.

NOISE has a post office box now, too. NOISE, P.O. Box 5151 San Pedro, CA 90733-5151.

NOISE even has a bank account where your donations are greatly appreciated.

Members of NOISE are watching two motions going before the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council on April 21, 2008.

One motion is to request more intensive consideration of specific items in the Notice of Preparation and Initial Study.

The other motion is to show support by Coastal's Board of Governors, in opposing the construction of SRHS 15 at the proposed site.

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