Friday, February 1, 2008

Time To Invest in Calendar Books or Electronic Date Reminders

Who says nothing is going on in San Pedro?

If you don't know about this proposed school, you might want to attend the meeting.

A new school proposed to be close to the area of Alma and 30Th Street and on land L.A.U.S.D. already owns near Angels Gate will bring traffic and parking issues into play with the neighborhood of single-family houses and multi-family units, probably on the north side of the old Fort MacArthur Upper Reservation.

It might be a good meeting to attend just to see how L.A.U.S.D. is going to get a large enough route to and from the proposed school site. Will they try and use Alma? Will they try and use the area that now contains the steep and narrow road inside the fence near Gaffey and 31St. Street?
Will they want to condemn two or three single-family homes to clear them out on the north side, to provide and access road to the porposed new school? Will they want to extend Emily, Parker, Meyler, or another street on the south side of the property and into the school site? Where in the heck are they going to put the access?

Perhaps those questions and whether they will provide off-street parking for students, faculty, and staff, or will they do what has been done at S.P.H.S. and not provide enough on-campus parking?

This meeting might be a good chance for the neighbors living on both the north side and the south side of the old reservation to come and learn more about the proposed 1,215- seat senior high school.

And you thought nothing ever happens in San Pedro.

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