Also within the blue area will be the main parking lot, administration building, food services, multi-purpose facility, all classrooms, and plant facilities structures.
The green-outlined area will be comprised of the gym, possibly some additional parking, and the athletic fields, courts, and other athletic-oriented facilities.
The blue and green-outlined areas will be the area where students, faculty, staff, and visitors will have access to and be the area considered to be the campus of the proposed high school.
The red lines indicate the boundaries of the school and on the west side, along Alma Street, is a steep hill.
The yellow-outlined area is also owned by LAUSD. It is an outdoor-experience facility that will someday allow every 5Th grader in LAUSD, the opportunity to attend an overnight campout-type function.
The orange-outlined area is a non-LAUSD facility.
If you look on the left side of the illustration, you will see the only access to the proposed school, now being considered by the Facilities Department and the architects of the proposed school.
Mr. Rod Hamilton, of LAUSD claims that they are looking into the idea of using the roadway, shown as almost white, going from Gaffey Street, south of 30Th Street and through the yellow outdoor experience area, to allow more access to the proposed school. If you have driven by the fenced in road, you can see how steep it is now, and it would need improvements to have it be used as another access to the school.
Towards the top of the illustration, you should be able to plainly see 30Th street. this is where the majority of students may be forced to park if the Alma access is the only access for the proposed school.
Towards the bottom of the illustration, you should be able to view 36Th Street. At this time there are no plans to use the gate on the south side of the proposed campus site that intersects 36Th Street at Parker.
At this time, there are no apparent plans to allow access to the proposed school via the roads within Angel's Gate, except for the Alma access and possibly the Gaffey access by the old swimming pool.
My illustrations have been taken by memory and I hope to have a schematic illustration of the proposed campus' site, soon.
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