Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More News and Information Concerning VDONAC

Approximately 50 neighbors gathered, along with the leadership of the Vista del Oro Neighbors Against Condos (VDONAC), at a meeting of the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council's Planning and Land Use Committee.
The meeting was held on Tuesday February 5, 2008 during the last two hours when the polls were still open to vote on Super Tuesday. The vast majority of those gathered sported "I Voted" stickers.
During the meeting, Gordon Teuber, an assistant to Councilwoman Janice Hahn answered many questions fielded by committee members and members of the audience.
Mr. Teuber emphasized that the Councilwoman's office would stand behind the demands and goals established by the leaders of VDONAC. Mr. Teuber went on to state that meetings have been held between the developer(s) of the area formerly used as McCowan's Market and its parking lots, and the Councilwoman's office.
No deals have been struct between anyone inside the offices of Councilwoman Hahn and Mr. Teuber stated that Ms. Hahn's offices would assist in any way, the neighbors and neighborhoods in the Vista del Oro neighborhood.
Ms. Hahn's office is closely monitoring the processes that hope to lead to the establishment of a "Q Condition" on the three lots that currently are zoned C1-1XL. The establishment and enforcement of the "Q Condition would restrict building of dwellings on those three lots to be comparable to the dwellings on the majority of properties in the surrounding neighborhood. In essence, only single-family houses could be built on the property, no matter what the current zoning is.
The leaders of VDONAC want you to know that they need everyone to telephone, Email, and write to Councilwoman Janice Hahn, Los Angeles Director of City Planning, Ms. S. Gail Goldberg, Ms. Betsy Weisman, the Director of Planning for the Harbor area, Mayor Villaraigosa, and anyone else who you can think of in trying to curtail this out-of-town's developer's weapon of mass development on the corner of 20Th Street and Walker Avenue.
You are all also encouraged to write letters to the editors of The Daily Breeze and Random Lengths News.
You are also encouraged to make comments on this blog, create your own post for addition to this blog, and visiting http://www.rneighborhoodsare1.org/ for news, information, and contact information.
Donations will be greatly appreciated and in a short time, I will post an address where you may send any donation you wish.
Yard signs have been designed and voted on by the Board of Directors of VDONAC. In about a week, or shortly a bit longer, yard signs will be available stating that there must be NO CONDOS ON 20Th STREET AND WALKER AVENUE!
In a week, the leaders will have buttons which they may request a donation for, that also states that NO CONDOS should be allowed on the corner.
The newspaper article that appeared in the Tuesday February 4, 2008 edition of The Daily Breeze was, unfortunately, not the best reporting work done at the newspaper.
A quote attributed to Ms. Barbara Dragich was used during the confusion by Ms. Dragich who thought the reporter claimed that duplexes were only proposed for the three existing lots that the former market stands and not all six lots owned by the owner(s)/developer(s) of the site.
Also, it appears that Mr. Mike Rosenthal, the recent owner of the former McCowan's Market may have caused the confusion, possibly in an attempt to sway the members of VDONAC. The confusion lasted about two seconds once the Board of Directors of VDONAC heard a more clear interpretation of what the owner(s)/developer(s) really want.
To have duplexes allowed via a zoning change to existing lots zoned for only single-family dwelling would set a very bad and dangerous precedent for the rest of the neighborhoods and could signal a dramatic change in the makeup of an entire neighborhood, many people feel.
Please return to this blog from time to time to learn more about what is going on with the Ponte Vista at San Pedro development, and the redevelopment of the lots on the eastern side of the intersection of 20Th Street and Walker Avenue.

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