Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Meeting Reminder

Monday, February 25, 2008
6:30 p.m.
Cabrillo Marina Community Building
Cabrillo Plaza
Berth 28

Directions: 22nd Street to Via Cabrillo Marina to Cabrillo Plaza Berth 28

Parking is available in the Cabrillo Plaza Berth 28 parking lot only

Neighbors living in the Palisades and don't wish to have SRHS 15 in that area, are encouraged to attend, speak during the comments concerning items not on the agenda item, and demonstrate by showing up in numbers that you are willing to act against having the school placed in that area.

Neighbors living in Vista del Oro and don't wish to have condominiums or apartments built at the intersection of 20Th and Walker are encouraged to attend and speak during the agenda item concerning the Motion going before the Board to approve the demands to keep condos away and proceed with the potentially successful application of the Q Classification Condition that would be applied to the three, currently zoned C1-1XL lots. You can also demonstrate by showing up in numbers that you are willing to act against having condominiums or apartments placed in that area.

Heck, probably every stakeholder in Coastal's area may want to show up and demonstrate to Ms. Hahn, Supervisor Knabe, Mayor V., and "officials" in San Pedro, that Coastal is a powerful Neighborhood Council and its Board should be listened too, very, very seriously.

As for me, you may want to attend the Rancho Palos Verdes Traffic Safety Commission that I sit on and listen to the seven of us talk about issues in a meeting room with ten times the seating than folks who will show up to listen to us.

But we are doing things and helping our City.

I find the parking situation to be quite funny. It seems that folks can only park near Berth 28, but there are now signs telling us where Berth 28 actually is. Perhaps there are signs showing boaters where Berth 28 is, but unless you have an Ampvibcar, or a Duck, its going to be a bit tough to find the correct lot.

Just park in the lot closest to the building and you won't get towed.

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