Friday, November 21, 2008

Baldwin Park Saved From Bob Bisno!

Team Bisno’s eminent domain plans in Baldwin Park fail

“City officials say Bisno Development Co. is pulling out of a contentious, multimillion-dollar plan to revitalize more than 100 acres of downtown Baldwin Park, citing the economic downturn,” according to the Whittier Daily News.

Our readers may recall that this project included abusive use of eminent domain to take over businesses that the Baldwin Park City Council wanted to oust out of their downtown area. That plan totally backfired! “The contentious project spurred the formation of a citizens’ action group in Baldwin Park and is in part the grounds of a recall campaign targeting three City Council members.”

Make no mistake - the failure of this Bisno project is a kick to the face of Bisno and his heartless team and to the lame Baldwin Park City Council. I have a feeling those folks ARE going to be recalled.

I wrote a recent article about how a Bisno representative allegedly destroyed a resident’s video camera at a public meeting, which you may read by clicking here. And this article explains exactly how much opposition Bisno was facing in Baldwin Park.

These are dark times for Team Bisno! They had big plans for Baldwin Park, but that is just the tip of their iceberg of suffering. Their vaunted City Place development in Santa Ana is a joke.

They have had to resort to the use of human signs to publicize their auctions of overpriced condos that are now selling for a lot less than they were asking. I am also hearing rumors that they are leasing some of these units. And the Santa Ana Planning Commission delayed approval of their ridiculous 31 story luxury condo tower, which is supposed to ruin the skyline in north Santa Ana.

Of couse I am most happy to see Team Bisno going down the drain…perhaps they should play less politics and concentrate on their business?
Bisno representative accused of assault at neighborhood meeting
By Art Pedroza,
A Bisno Development representative is being accused of ripping a video camera out of the hands of a resident in Baldwin Park and damaging the camera, while also scratching the resident, according to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

Of course the Bisno people are saying this did not happen, but the camera IS broken and there were many witnesses to the alleged assault.

The Bisno rep who attacked the lady in question said that some people at the meeting were “uncomfortable” about the taping of the neighborhood meeting, which was organized to discuss the massive eminent domain abuse that Bisno and the Baldwin Park City Council are trying to conduct in their downtown area.

Recently allies of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who has received thousands of dollars in contributions from Bisno, refused to let a candidates forum in south Santa Ana be taped for similar stupid reasons. The Council challengers, including myself, boycotted the poorly attended meeting of the South Santa Ana Merchants Association. Several of their board members flipped out but I was not assaulted.

Obviously the Bisno company, by opposing the taping of the meetings they are involved in, don’t understand freedom of speech. Nor do Pulido’s allies here in Santa Ana.

Locally, Bisno’s “City Place” development has tanked and they have had to auction their over-priced condos for about half what they were initially asking for them. The news is all bad for Bisno here in Santa Ana and north of us in Baldwin Park.

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