Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some More Information to Help Understand the Situation Better.

Here is some information from a very reliable source relayed under the condition of anonymity:

Mr. Rosenthal has filed permits to build two single family homes on the South side of 20th Street.

(Mr. Rosenthal is also planning to build one single family home on the North side of the street.)

The parking lot on the North side of the street is zoned R-1 (next to the market). The market itself sits on three lots zoned C-1. The C-1 zone allows for a conversion to R-3. This is where Rosenthal plans on building 14-19 condos.

Councilwoman Hahn has publicly stated her opposition to the condos. The only thing that has been filed thus far is for a demolition permit of the market.

The source than went on to describe what is called a "Q condition" whereby the site of the former market may only be developed with single-family houses.

I feel this is important in the fight to keep condos away from the neighborhood. I also suggests to me that there are friends who are looking into different ways to insure that the site is developed without condos.

I was impressed to read that Councilwoman Janice Hahn already opposes the idea of having condos built on the site.

Perhaps we can share ideas where we can use the letter "Q" and the efforts to continue the good quality of life in the neighborhood by having only single-family houses built.

It would help if people would Email me their suggestions for buttons, bumper stickers, and advertisements to help educate and inform others about the issues. My Email address should be at the top of the blog or you can just click on:

Tomorrow is a Friday. On Fridays I write an "Odds and Ends" post on one of my other blogs: I hope to have an interesting group of odds and ends to share.

I don't think it is time for me to try something like that on this blog for theses issues. There may be a time when it might be a good idea, but I don't think right now is a good time.

"Q for Quality"
"Q for Life!"

"Q for Quit wanting condos"

"Q is the condition that is best for the neighborhood."

"Q is for Quagmire out-of-town developers have gotten us in."

O.K. I'm out of ideas right now.

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