Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another Victory Against Over Development!

This is just in from the following blog:


Read the post from Joe B. and stay tuned throughout the day as he may have more updates.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Home Depot Pulls Out Of S-T!

Breaking News! We just spoke with a high ranking Home Depot official (at 10:45 pm) and he is confirming that HD is backing out of their proposed store in Sunland-Tujunga!

We are still shaking from the news, updates when we settle down and stop celebrating!Score a big victory for local control and our community!

Maybe it's just the current economic conditions.

But perhaps it is really community members who have gathered together against over development with the greater Los Angeles area to work towards getting some control over their own communities.

Whatever the reasons are, fighting over development in the greater L.A. area has now found another reason I contend that R Neighborhoods Are 1 was working at the very beginning of a real movement towards residents taking over their neighborhoods to fight against developers, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials who think they know better than we do what we will accept.

Fighting against over development goes from the north end of the San Fernando Valley to the port community. It can be found on the west side of Los Angeles and in places like Baldwin Park and Santa Ana.

Yes, I do believe we are now members of a real and growing movement that R Neighborhoods Are 1 was a fundamental group that helped to create the movement we are now watching unfold.

We must continue to work with other groups, doing whatever is necessary to continue to build the movement that is now found in so many places and dealing with so many over developments.

More hurdles will still come before us. The largest of these hurdles is right in our own front yard with Ponte Vista and the fact that it may be developed by a HUGE Real Estate Development company OR it may simply become ignored for an uncertain period of time.

R Neighborhoods Are 1 has been here since before the beginning of a movement that clearly is moving forward for the members of so many communities.

I feel we can count the group as being one of the forerunners and best equipped to handle the issues we are confronted with and we have been willing to provide leadership, guidance, and demonstrations to other groups who have as their goal, the control of over development.

The latest news from Mayor Sam is good news and should be considered one more step along the way.

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