Thursday, March 6, 2008

Odds and Ends 3

As you read on the post, Marshall's is open and people are spending money (including my wife Terri).

On the McCowan's site redevelopment issue, Vista del Oro Neighbors Against Condos (VDONAC) handed out every single yard sign and may even order more.

The group and many of us are waiting to attend the next Planning Commission meeting on March 18, where the Q Classification Condition will be discussed, debated, and probably be voted on, at that level.

Residents have prepared statements and opinions why the three lots, currently zoned C1-1XL have their construction restricted to having only single-family, detached residences, one per lot, built. To keep the site comparable to the surrounding structures, the Q Classification Condition, must be implemented and is supported by Councilwoman Janice Hahn and many, many other people.

VDONAC has a leadership core that is smart, determined, passionate, and eager to see the restriction placed on the lots.

Mike Rosenthal, the original buyer of the properties still claims that he may sue the City of L.A. if he is not allowed to build condominiums on the site. Perhaps his funding will run out before he gets a chance to build on those three lots.

The NO SRHS 15 at Angel's Gate committee is starting to organize fairly similarly to the way and the timing VDONAC came into being. I think San Pedrans can be very proud at the activism of both groups!

The new committee has an inner core of very dedicated residents that don't all live on any side of Angel's Gate, but see their mission to keep such a large high school out of the Angel's Gate area, as one of great importance.

Directly next to the proposed site of South Region High School #15 (SRHS 15) is going to be the redeveloped Point Fermin Outdoor Experience Center (OEC), catering to fifth graders in the LAUSD system.

The OEC will welcome up to 160 fifth graders, their teachers and other staff members from throughout the LAUSD system to have a four night and five day experience of learning, doing, environmental activities, and for some, the first time students will be afforded the opportunity to spend learning time away from their homes and home school.

The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Point Ferman Outdoor Experience Center redevelopment was published in March, 2006 and was not able to contain studies concerning having an 810-1215-seat high school, right next door.

Having both the OEC and the proposed SRHS 15 in the same area, would diminish the experiences students from both facilities might enjoy.

The NO SRHS 15 at Angel's Gate group would want you to know and participate, if you wish, in a meeting on March 13, at Dana Middle School auditorium, beginning at 6:00 PM.

This very, very important meeting concerning proposed studies falling under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will give attendees the information as to what studies will be undertaken to determine if the Angel's Gate area qualifies for having SRHS 15 placed there.

More importantly however, LAUSD and CEQA staff will take written and oral comments from attendees on what else should be studies and how significant issues may be, for the proposed high school site.

One issue that should certainly be studied, but is not something regularly done in just about all cases, is the environmental impacts having a large high school next door to an outdoor experience facility would have.

We know of at least two foxes that live in the area of Angel's Gate and sometimes visit the neighborhoods on both sides of the area. The OEC would also have animals for studying and there are many wild animals living at or near Angel's Gate.

Another issue that will need study is the proposed campus' proximity to the Marine Mammal Rescue Center and the Wild Bird Rescue Center. Both of these facilities don't normally appear in studies for potential school locations.

The NO SRHS 15 at Angel's Gate group would also want you to know that you can submit alternative plans for the placement of the proposed SRHS 15.

LAUSD owns land in northwest San Pedro. There are also many members of OUR community who believe that smaller learning sites, academy's with about 500-550-students each, would be much better than building one larger campus.

The group also considers that there are individuals who believe that no new high school needs to be built in the San Pedro area. While I and others in the group don't particularly believe that no high school should be built, folks from all sides of all of the issues should get together and discuss things.

On the Ponte Vista front, traffic on Western is now worse because Marshall's is open. It is a fact and there is nothing we can do about it, right now.

It would be a good thing for supporters of Bob's and opponents of his weapon of mass development to get together and demand that the left turn pockets on northbound Western Avenue at the south end of The Terraces and Caddington, be lengthened as quickly as possible. Doing so would allow more cars to stay out of thru lanes of northbound Western Avenue, while waiting to turn left into the shopping center.

I still haven't heard or read anything from the Planning Department as to what they feel, Bob could build, at Ponte Vista.

I also haven't found confirmation as to whether Bob's house went through a foreclosure sale last Friday. "Your Mama" of The Real Estalker blog think he might have been able to keep his house, but she has no confirmation, either.

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